NCC 2022 Fact Sheets

The Bradford Ventilation team have created two Fact Sheets that cover the "Exhaust Systems" and "Ventilation of Roof Spaces" clauses in the NCC2022 Housing Provisions Standard.
The "Exhaust Systems" Fact Sheet refers to Climate Zones 1- 8, which is applicable to all of Australia. For people who live in Climate Zones 1 - 5, you will only need this one Fact Sheet.
The "Exhaust Systems & Ventilation of Roof Spaces" Fact Sheet is applicable to Climate Zones 6 - 8. It includes the content from the first Fact Sheet therefore for these climate zones, you will only need this one Fact Sheet.
The topics covered in each Fact Sheet include:
Interpretation of the clauses
How to comply with the clauses
Examples of vent placement & calculations
Bradford Ventilation's product solutions
Exhaust Systems, Climate Zones 1- 8
This Fact Sheet covers Clause 10.8.2 as this clause is applicable to all Climate Zones in Australia. For Climate Zones 1 - 5, you will only need this fact sheet.
Exhaust Systems & Ventilation of Roof Spaces, Climate Zones 6 - 8

This fact sheet covers both Clause 10.8.2 and 10.8.3 as the latter clause is only applicable to Climate Zones 6, 7 & 8. For Climate Zones 6 - 8, you will only need this fact sheet, as the details from the other Fact Sheet (Climate Zones 1 - 8) are also covered.
Climate Zone Overview
The below map provides an outline of what locations in the country fall under each climate zone.
For a closer look, visit ABCB website: Climate zone map | ABCB
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